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Ouvrage: « Monumental Earthen Architecture in Early Societies: Technology and power display »

Annick Daneels (ed.), 2016, Monumental Earthen Architecture in Early Societies: Technology and power display, Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 2 / Session B3, Oxford, Archaeopress Archaeology, iv+64 pages.

Printed ISBN 9781784912833. Epublication ISBN 9781784912840

The theme of the symposium is the archaeology of earthen architecture in pre- and protohistoric cultures, with an emphasis on constructive techniques and systems, and diachronic changes in those aspects. The main interest is in monumental architecture (not domestic), where it is better possible to appreciate the building strategies that show raw earth to be as noble a material as stone or wood, but with its very own characteristics which required the development of original solutions and construction techniques. The scope on monumental buildings also allows analyzing the political, social and economical factors that made such architecture a recognized expression of societal values and political power.

L’ouvrage est téléchargeable gratuitement sur le site de l’éditeur Archaeopress: download .

This book is also available to download in PDF format in the Archaeopress Open Access section: download .

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Réseau Terre (2 mai 2018). Ouvrage: « Monumental Earthen Architecture in Early Societies: Technology and power display ». Réseau Terre. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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