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Étiqueté : Géoarchéologie


Article: «Masters of Mudbrick» (2024)

Lorenzon M., Cutillas‐Victoria B., Itkin E, Fantalkin A. (2024) – Masters of Mudbrick: Geoarchaeological Analysis of Iron Age Earthen Public Buildings at Ashdod‐Yam (Israel), Geoarchaeology, 39 (1), p. 35‑62. Abstract Excavations at Ashdod-Yam exposed a fortification...


Article: «Earthen Stories. Cross-Craft Strategies in Raw Material Procurement and Production at the Tell Site of Arslantepe» (2024)

Fragnoli P., Cereda S., Liberotti G. (2024) – Earthen Stories. Cross-Craft Strategies in Raw Material Procurement and Production at the Tell Site of Arslantepe (Türkiye) during the 4th Millennium BCE, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 54, 104447. Abstract...


Book: «Building in Prehistoric Cyprus»

Amadio M.L. (2023) – Building in Prehistoric Cyprus. Tracing Transformations in the Built and Social Environment of Early Cypriot Communities, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Venice University Press, Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari. Abstract The...


Call for papers: «Materiality of Earth» (31/08/2023)

Materiality of Earth. Integrative approaches for the investigation of earthen materials and their significance for past and modern human societies. Guest editors: Dr. Pamela Fragnoli (Austrian Archaeological Institute, Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Vienna, Austria); Dr. Elisa Boccalon (Austrian Archaeological...


Call for papers: «LA TERRE CRUE EN CONTEXTE FUNÉRAIRE / RAW EARTH IN FUNERARY CONTEXT» – Extended deadline 17/06/2022

TABLE RONDE INTERNATIONALEUniversité Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry, Site saint-Charles, France Appel à communications (english text below) La table ronde internationale “LA TERRE CRUE EN CONTEXTE FUNÉRAIRE. Développements formels, typologiques et techniques à la Préhistoire...